Mike Herron

Michael Herron Jr. Bio
Michael Herron Jr, was born in at Barton Hospital in South Lake Tahoe. As a child, he was always interested in all forms of Art. He drew major inspiration from being exposed to the arts and love for nature throughout his childhood. His parents instilled very strong values in him that all life is sacred and must be treated so. Michael's Grandmother was an avid oil painter who created amazing scenes of Native Americans and their beautiful landscape settings. Michael would paint right along with her and the endless supply of canvas and oils. This would serve him well later down the line.
Like many children, especially from the 80's, Michael eventually grew a fondness for video games, computers, visual media and taking electronics apart to see how they worked. Without the supplies to create on canvas, he went to work to support his media habits. He attempted a wide array of ways of being creative in high school; taking wood shop, metal shop, dancing, music & acting classes for his electives. Michael took advantage of early employment opportunities, such as grocery, high end furniture, and departmental retail management.
His experience with people and constant communication gave him the skills to become a great salesman in retail. As a sales specialist at office depot, Michael had the opportunity to assist in the establishment of their local store front. Michael quickly learned that the money and lost appeal of the city was not exactly for him, he wanted to excell and had an urge to pursue his personal goals and he wanted to do that in the amazing place he loved, Lake Tahoe.
In 2006, him & his brother Dave, lost everything when a house fire consumed their home. In 2007 The Angora Fire happened and he learned a side of himself he had not before seen, that he would run into fires when everyone else is running out. In 2008, Michael decided to become a Wildland Firefighter for Lake Valley Fire Protection District in South Lake Tahoe, until a severe injury to his shoulder forced him to re evaluate his future which inspired him to bounce back with a new desire to pursue earlier aspirations in Photography and Digital Media. Now, after extensive surgeries, he is dedicating himself to chasing that Media and Photography dream, that he acquired along the way. He is currently enrolled at Lake Tahoe Community College studying to achieve a degree in New Art Media.